A top down shot of a drawer organiser

How to Get Motivated to Declutter

Tired of living in chaos and clutter? It’s time to kickstart your decluttering journey and regain control of your living space. A tidy home not only looks visually appealing but also has numerous benefits for your mental health, productivity, and overall well-being.

In this article, I’ll be sharing some motivation tips that will help you stay focused and inspired as you embark on your decluttering adventure. I understand that getting started can be overwhelming, so I’ll guide you through the process step by step, providing practical advice and actionable strategies to make the task more manageable.

Whether you’re tackling a messy closet, a cluttered kitchen, or an entire house that needs decluttering, I’ve got you covered. From setting realistic goals and creating a decluttering schedule to embracing minimalism and finding joy in the process, I’ll help you to get motivated to declutter so you can transform your home into a sanctuary of order and serenity.

It’s time to say goodbye to the chaos and hello to a tidy and organized living space. Let’s dive in and kickstart your decluttering journey today!

The importance of decluttering

Living in a cluttered space can have a negative impact on your overall well-being. Not only does it create visual chaos, but it can also lead to increased stress levels and a lack of productivity. Clutter has a way of draining our energy and making it difficult to focus on the things that truly matter. That’s why decluttering is so important. By clearing out the excess and creating an organized living space, you can enjoy the benefits of a tidy home and a sense of calm.

Benefits of a tidy home

A tidy home has numerous benefits that go beyond just aesthetics. Firstly, a clutter-free environment promotes mental clarity and reduces stress. When your surroundings are clean and organized, your mind can focus better, leading to increased productivity and creativity. Additionally, a tidy home makes it easier to find things when you need them, saving you time and frustration. It also creates a sense of calm and serenity, allowing you to relax and unwind in a peaceful environment.

An overhead view of neatly folded clothes in a drawer

The psychology behind clutter

To tackle clutter effectively, it’s important to understand the psychology behind it. Clutter often accumulates due to emotional attachments, fear of letting go, or a lack of organizational skills. Many people hold onto items because they associate them with memories or sentimental value. Others may fear that they will need something in the future or feel overwhelmed by the thought of making decisions about what to keep and what to let go. I’m a big fan of books and have way too many! Understanding these underlying factors can help you approach decluttering with a fresh perspective.

Setting goals for your decluttering journey

Before diving into the decluttering process, it’s essential to set clear and realistic goals. Start by identifying the areas in your home that need the most attention. Is it your overflowing closet or your cluttered kitchen counters? Once you’ve identified the problem areas, break down your goals into smaller, manageable tasks. For example, instead of tackling your entire wardrobe in one go, focus on decluttering one shelf or one category of clothing at a time. By setting achievable goals, you’ll feel a sense of accomplishment as you make progress and you won’t overwhelm yourself with the thought of having to tackle everything in one go.

Creating a decluttering plan

To stay organized and motivated throughout your decluttering journey, it’s helpful to create a plan. Start by scheduling dedicated decluttering sessions in your calendar or get involved in a daily decluttering challenge. Treat these sessions as appointments with yourself and commit to them, even if you only allow 10-15 minutes each day.

Next, gather the necessary supplies, such as trash bags, storage bins and cleaning products. Having everything you need within reach will make the process smoother. Finally, consider enlisting the help of a friend or family member. Decluttering can be overwhelming, and having someone to support and encourage you can make all the difference.

Motivation tips for getting started with decluttering

Getting started is often the hardest part of any decluttering project. Here are some tips to get motivated to declutter:

1. Visualize your ideal space: Take a moment to envision how you want your home to look and feel. Imagine the sense of peace and tranquillity that comes with a clutter-free environment. Use this vision as motivation to start decluttering.

2. Start small: Begin with a small area or a single category of items. Starting with a manageable task will give you a sense of accomplishment and motivate you to keep going.

3. Create a decluttering playlist: Music can be a powerful motivator. Create a playlist of upbeat and energizing songs that will keep you motivated and focused as you declutter.

4. Track your progress: Keep a journal or take photos of your decluttering journey. Documenting your progress will help you stay motivated and see how far you’ve come.

5. Reward yourself: Set small rewards for yourself after reaching milestones in your decluttering journey. Treat yourself to something you enjoy, like a movie night or a spa day, as a way to celebrate your accomplishments.

Maintaining momentum and staying motivated

Decluttering is a process that requires consistent effort and motivation. Here are some strategies to help you maintain momentum and stay motivated to declutter your home:

1. Set a decluttering schedule: Dedicate specific days or times each week to focus on decluttering. Consistency is key, so stick to your schedule and make it a priority. Try the schedule in Declutter Your Home in 30 Minutes a Day: The Ultimate Guide.

2. Embrace minimalism: Adopting a minimalist mindset can help you stay motivated. Embrace the idea of living with less and focus on the benefits of a simplified and clutter-free lifestyle. If you own less, you have to clean less, which is only a good thing!

3. Enlist an accountability partner: Find a friend or family member who is also interested in decluttering and hold each other accountable. Check in regularly to share progress and offer support.

4. Take breaks when needed: Decluttering can be physically and emotionally draining. Listen to your body and mind, and take breaks when you need them. Pace yourself and avoid burnout.

5. Reflect on the benefits: Remind yourself of the benefits of a tidy home. Whether it’s improved mental clarity, increased productivity, or a sense of calm, keep these benefits in mind to stay motivated to declutter.

A top down shot of a drawer organiser

Practical decluttering techniques and organization hacks

Now that you’re motivated to declutter, let’s explore some practical techniques and organization hacks to make the process more efficient:

1. The 4 Box Method: As you declutter, use four boxes or bins labeled:

  • “Keep”
  • “Donate”
  • “Sell” and
  • “Trash.”

Assign each item to one of these categories to make decisions easier.

2. The KonMari Method: Popularized by Marie Kondo, this method involves decluttering by category rather than by room. Start with clothing, then move on to books, papers, miscellaneous items, and sentimental items.

Discard anything that doesn’t spark joy.

Marie Kondo

3. Clever storage solutions: Invest in storage solutions that maximize vertical space, such as shelving units, hanging organizers, and under-bed storage. Utilize baskets, bins, and labels to keep items organized and easily accessible.

4. Digital decluttering: Decluttering isn’t limited to physical spaces. Take the time to declutter your digital life as well. Organize files on your computer, delete unnecessary emails, and declutter your social media accounts.

5. The 20/20 Rule of decluttering: if it cost less than $20 or will only take 20 minutes to replace, consider whether you ACTUALLY need it.

Decluttering resources and tools

If you’re looking for additional guidance, here are some resources and tools to support your decluttering journey:

1. Books and blogs: There are numerous books and blogs dedicated to decluttering and organization. Some popular titles include “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” by Marie Kondo and “The Minimalist Home” by Joshua Becker.

2. Decluttering apps: There are several apps available that can help you stay organized and motivated. Some popular options include Tody, Sortly, and Decluttr.

3. Professional organizers: If you feel overwhelmed or need expert guidance, consider hiring a professional organizer. They can provide personalized advice and support to help you declutter effectively.

Let’s celebrate your decluttering success

Congratulations on kickstarting your decluttering journey! Remember, decluttering is a process, and it’s important to celebrate your progress along the way. Take the time to appreciate your newly organized spaces and the positive impact they have on your daily life. By embracing minimalism, setting goals, and staying motivated, you can transform your home into a sanctuary of order and serenity. Enjoy the benefits of a tidy home and revel in the sense of accomplishment that comes with decluttering.

You might also like:

17 Tips: How to Declutter Before Moving House

The 20/20 Rule of Decluttering: Game Changing Decluttering Hack!

FREE 30 Day Declutter Challenge Workbook

Sharing is caring!

Comments (11)

  • Carolyn M

    13 September 2023 at 13:42

    I’ve stopped the growing clutter now I’ve got to deal with the getting rid of a lot. I need to set a few minutes a week aside as it’s not going to happen itself.

    1. simpleneathome.com

      13 September 2023 at 14:13

      That’s such a good idea! Setting aside some time specifically will help you to get where you want to be.

  • Vicky

    13 September 2023 at 13:59

    Great post! I really need to apply some of these suggestions and get my house de-cluttered!

    1. simpleneathome.com

      13 September 2023 at 14:12

      I’ve still got plenty of decluttering to do as well! Sometimes there just aren’t enough hours in the day!

  • Maryanne

    13 September 2023 at 14:34

    This post has very useful information for those who struggle with clutter. There are some really good ideas including the apps you mentioned. Thanks for sharing!

  • Roseline Beusch

    13 September 2023 at 15:27

    This was written with me in mind, my place is full of clatter, not only that I’m not a hoarder but sometimes I think I might be, I never want to throw anything away,
    Brilliant tips, thanks so much

  • Leslie

    13 September 2023 at 16:03

    Love your post! I realized I have so many things to declutter and I’m going to apply your suggestions, especially by applying the 4 box method.

  • Pantea

    13 September 2023 at 16:21

    I love your article and appreciate the suggestions on how to get motivated to declutter. As a therapist, I strongly encourage my clients to keep their spaces clean/organized since it helps reduce stress and anxiety. I wrote an article that is a perfect compliment to yours https:/ /pantearahimian.com/7-simple-ways-to-spring-clean-your-mind/

  • Courtney

    13 September 2023 at 19:37

    I love the feeling after decluttering! Great tips. Thanks

  • Brandi Sunrises2Sunsets

    13 September 2023 at 23:10

    Decluttering and organizing is one way I stabilize my mental health. When things are hectic, my brain likes to know I have a clean, minimalist home.

    1. simpleneathome.com

      14 September 2023 at 16:30

      Mine too. I find living in a messy home quite challenging for my mental health so love a clean and uncluttered space 🙂

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